Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Morning Pages 3.1.16

Why Write What is Unfamiliar? 

Last morning pages centered around "why I write", and this time I want to focus on why I desire to write what is unfamiliar alongside my tried & true favorites. Of course writing in my journal is comfortable; I think it is as comfortable as I get while writing. Most likely because I don't have to filter what I want to say, I simply lay down all my thoughts on the page. Writing on my blog is a little less comfortable because all of a sudden I have an audience and a filter is needed. 

It may be tempting to simply stick to the genre or aspect of writing that you know, love, and feel comfortable in, but how are you going to grow? Learning is a curve, not a straight line; you cannot stay stoic and continue to learn to your greatest extent. We need to push ourselves to become greater, expand our horizons & clean up our talents. We need to realize what we struggle with and meet it head on, with full intentions to conquer it to the best of our abilities. 

As future teachers, we cannot loose our own desire to learn simply because we ourselves are not in school anymore. We need to be open to learning about things that interest us, as well as learning from our students. An open mind is key, and teaching that way will also allow your students to see that learning truly is a life-long process. They will see that learning should be a part of everyday life, if their teacher sets that personal example. 

1 comment:

  1. I think you should totally unfilter at least one of your posts, and just see what you write, and maybe you'll surprise yourself! No judgements from us!!
