Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Morning Pages 3.29.16

We wait for the next vacation, the next paycheck, the next good meal. We don't live near our families, so we wait to see them once or maybe twice a year. We have these dreams we wait on - to write the next great American novel, to start our own business, to become a yoga instructor, to learn to cook, to live in the beautiful place we've always wanted. But do we go out and pursue them? No; because we are a society who is constantly being told we are thriving when we are simply just surviving on impalpable, fleeting dreams. We work day in and day out at a job we hate, to pay for the expensive house we love but never get to enjoy living in. As we work we imagine, hope, and wait for the day when things will be different. But the catch is - things will never be different. By living on dreams, we are forgoing sustanence. We are deceiving ourselves. Our dreams and wishes will never happen unless we conciously quit the cycle. Stop waiting for the important things in life to get dropped on your doorstep, tied with a bow. Stop living 800 miles away from your family. Stop pushing back that calligraphy class you want to take because the lie "you don't have time" keeps overwhelming you. Stop living only for those few days of vacation you get a year. Stop telling yourself you can't write that book until later. You CAN do it right now. Stop allowing life to control you - go out and control your life. 

I'm done waiting; I'm going home. I'm going to convert these dreams I've been waiting on into reality; put an end to this game we all play. I am going to be happy now, pursue my ideas now, be healthy now. And I absolutely can't wait to experience a life absent of waiting.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I needed to read this today. Thanks for the reminder:

    "By living on dreams, we are forgoing sustenance."
